Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Exam Answering Tips


- Highlight keywords (eg. incorrect, experiment in the dark, extension vs length of spring)
- Eliminate (cross out) the wrong options
- Some questions have multiple statements and the question asks “which is correct?”
eg. if you are sure R is definitely false, you can cross it out and eliminate that answer.
- When checking, tally the shaded OAS oval with your choice written on the question paper.
- When checking, cover your choices on the question paper. Look at the options again to make sure you have selected the most appropriate one.

Open ended

- Read the question carefully and highlight the keywords.
- Answer the question directly. If question ask about Object A, answer directly "Object A is ..."
- Some questions have parts (a) and (b). If part (a) asks for an observation and part (b) for the explanation, don’t explain it in part (a).
- Comparing: remember to state the different properties of BOTH objects in comparison.
eg. “state the difference between gases and liquids” – answer : “gases are … while liquids are..”
- 1 mark question, the answer required is brief and direct. Usually there is only 1 or 2 point.
- 2 mark questions, the answer required is longer and more detailed.
eg. Q is “identify… and explain why” - 1 mark is for the identification and 1 mark for the explanation.
eg. Listing steps of experiment - half mark per step
- Don’t ever leave any question blank! You may get awarded partial marks if you hit some keywords and concepts even if you may not understand it completely.

Other tips

- Be positive - don’t worry about your past grades
- Sleep early. There is no point doing last minute revisions.
- Eat your usual breakfast. Don’t try anything funny. You don’t want to be struggling with a stomachache.
- Pack your bag with all the stationery you need the night before.

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